Automotive technology Alecop - Spain

  • Application of electronics for automotive

    Application of electronics for automotive

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    Application of electronics for automotive
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    Brands:Alecop - Spain
    Nhà sản xuất:VERPRO

Technical characteristics

•   Incorporates the electronic blocks which are necessary to analyse the following circuits:

  -  Power pack

  -  Circuit to generate sparks using a switch

  -  Multi-vibrator circuit or square signal generator.

  -  Circuit to generate sparks using a transistor.

  -  Circuit to generate sparks using a condenser discharge system.

  -  Power circuit for a CC motor.

  -  Circuit to vary the speed of a CC motor

  -  Circuit to vary the luminosity in the lights.

•   Test points to take measurements on the different circuits.

•  Accessibility to all the electronic components for analysis under voltage or without voltage.

•   Possibility of generating disfunctions in different components of the equipment.

•   Possibility of doing different electronic assemblies on a proto-board.

•  Measurements: 446 x 270 x 100 mm.

Skills to be developed

•  Using equipment to measure electronic components and circuits and interpret the data obtained with the multimeter and the oscilloscope.

•  Checking electronic components not under voltage and under voltage.

•  Analysing general electronic circuits and linking them to car components.

•  Assembling basic electronic circuits.

•  Running diagnostics and repairing simple faults in car electronic systems.

Equipment composition

•  ADA301 Panel.

•  User’s manual.

•  Manual of practical activities.

•   12V cc motor.

•   12V/6w light.

•   Electronic components to assemble complementary circuits.

•  Accessory store

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